December Dog of the Month – Bearded Collie

It’s here! Our next Dog of the Month. For December, we have chosen our furry friends, the Bearded Collie! The name is perfect for this month – who doesn’t think of Santa’s beard?! The Bearded Collie, also known as “Beardies”, are big bundles of pure love, joy and excitement. They get along with everyone! They […]

November Dog of the Month – Old English Sheepdog

It’s time! Our blog for our Dog of Month is about the Old English Sheepdog. These big babies are not only super snuggly, but also incredibly smart!   It’s somewhat unclear where the Old English Sheepdog originated from. There is some evidence that this breed originated in the southwestern counties of England sometime in the […]

How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Teeth

The idea that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s doesn’t mean they’re immune to the dangers of bad oral hygiene. While dogs aren’t as prone to cavities as we are, they can still develop other problems such as tartar buildup and gingivitis. If left untreated, the risks can escalate quickly, turning into life-threatening […]

October Dog of the Month – Xoloitzcuintli

  It’s time for the next Dog of the Month! The Mexican hairless Xoloitzcuintli, or Xolo for short. Perfect choice for the month of Halloween! Originally, the Xolo was the ancient Aztec dog of the gods, similar to the Sphinx cat to the Egyptians. They are national treasures in Mexico, with a history that goes […]

Boost your Dog’s Diet with Cranimals

Most people already know that cranberries make an important part of any healthy diet. Naturally high in fiber, antioxidants, Vitamins A, C, and K, and low-calorie, cranberries are a superfood. Cranberries are linked to a lower risk of UTIs, improved immune function, decreased blood pressure, and the reduction of certain kinds of cancer and tumor […]

Beware Summer Fun: Part 2

Settle in for part two of our Summer Fun blog–all about water, parasites, and safety!   Dehydration Dehydration is a common cause of many vet visits and uncomfortable dogs over the summer months, and can contribute to your pet’s susceptibility to heatstroke. As many of us know, this is the phenomenon where the body has […]

Beware Summer Fun: Part 1

As much fun as we like to have playing in the sun, it’s not always the best place to be. The heat can be a lot! Thankfully we have access to A/C, shade, abundant water (and other cool beverages), we can dress appropriately for the heat and humidity, and–come on, we have waterparks. Humans have […]

Dog of the Month July Edition– The Newfoundland Dog!

It’s time for our next Dog of the Month! For the month of July we are featuring the Newfoundland breed, a.k.a the Newfie. July 1st, as we all know, is Canada’s 151st birthday. What better way to celebrate than by featuring a Canadian breed?                         […]

Double Coated Dogs– To Groom or not to Groom?

When we see our furry friends scorching in the sun, our first instinct is to do whatever it takes to make them more comfortable. A cool bowl of water, a nice patch of shade, bringing them to sit in front of the A/C, or maybe even a haircut. We know how uncomfortable the heat is–imagine […]